The competition .
The Pollino Danza festival competition includes a single solo category, divided into two sections:
- Ballet
- Modern/contemporary dance
and three sub-categories by age:
- Under 13: 10-13 years
- Juniors: 14-17 years
- Seniors: 18-23 years
The competition for soloists takes place in 3 phases:
- Elimination phase
- Semi-final
- The final
How to apply .
Each soloist can compete for both classical dance and modern/contemporary dance sections.
- Ballet soloists must present two variations and satisfy the following requirements depending on the reference group:
- Under 13: Two free or repertoire variations, adapted to the age and technical level of the participant. The use of tips is optional.
- Juniores: Two variations taken from the traditional classic en pointe repertoire, also adapted to the age and technical level of the participant. The use of tips is mandatory.
- Seniores: Two variations taken from the traditional classical en pointe repertoire. The use of tips is mandatory.
- It is also possible to present a pas de deux, in the event that one of the two is an accompanying person and not a participant.
- Those who only have one variation and want to participate in the competition in the ballet solo section can present, as a second variation, the one that will be taught during the repertoire lessons included in the Pollino Danza Festival program.
Modern/contemporary dance
- Modern/contemporary dance soloists (Under 13, Juniors and Seniors) must present a solo and meet the following requirements:
- Eliminatory: presentation of a solo that will be taught during the Festival. The solo is the same for everyone and the soloists will be evaluated at this stage on this choreography;
- Semi-final: presentation of one’s own SOLO lasting a maximum of 2.45 minutes.
- Final: the candidate will dance the solo decided by the jury.
- Those who do not have a second solo and want to participate in the Competition in the modern/contemporary dance soloists section can present one of the solos learned during the Festival lessons.
Costs and awards .
The Final phase gives access to the Gala evening, with the presence of great dance stars, during which the winners will be awarded with prestigious scholarships and employment contracts at companies and theaters in Italy and abroad.
The cost to register for the competition is 100.00 Euros. For those who hold the Open Card, the registration fee for the Competition is included.
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